
Support Indigenous education, regenerative farming, and teaching a more harmonious way of living in the Pacific Northwest and worldwide!


Help us advance Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice and Eloheh Farm & Seeds

We are building something great!


Who We Support

Evangelical Covenant Denomination brought a leadership cohort to Eloheh

Who do We Serve

Families, College groups, Community Groups, Schools, Environmental Groups, Church Groups, Denominational Groups, and ministries. We offer extended weekend schools and longer retreats where people can work on the farm. We also spend part of the day and some evenings learning under the trees or around the fire with Edith and Randy Woodley and other elders at Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice.

Groups and individual leaders have found Eloheh Indigenous Earth Center an important space to find new and sustainable ways to lead.

Spirituality and Faith Orgs

Eloheh is an interfaith, non-sectarian organization, with a long history of allowing people of all faiths, including churches and denominations, to learn an Indigenous worldview, decolonizing and indigenizing theologies, and new approaches to leadership and mentoring. Our spirituality begins with the land, where we demonstrate our relationship with the whole community of creation. At Eloheh we embody our spirituality and the learning happens in manifested and tangible ways.


Eloheh Supports a variety of Faith Leaders including pastors, churches, and denominational leaders

(from l-r)Cheyenne Mennonite Pastors, Several Portland Faith Orgs, and ECC denominational leaders

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Buy from Eloheh Farm and Seeds


All of our seeds ARe:

  • GMO-Free – We have never grown GMO varieties, and have not farmed within range of GMO crops that would cross with ours. We are signatories of the Safe Seed Pledge.

  • Open-Pollinated – Only a few of our seeds are hybrids, and those are now heirloom.. That means you can grow them out for seed yourself and they will come back true-to-type. Become a seed saver!

  • Organically-Grown – Though not certified, we have always followed the National Organic Program standards. We know that treating ourselves well and treating the earth well go hand-in-hand.

  • Farm-Direct – The majority of our seeds have been grown by us or friends, for you, with no middle-men.

  • Open Source Seed Initiative - We will never patent a seed but allow it to be free for you or us ar anyone to pass down freely for many generations to come.


Welcome To Eloheh

“Eloheh” (pronounced Ay-luh-hay) is a Cherokee Indian word meaning harmony, wholeness, abundance, and peace. To fulfill our mission to live in harmony with the land, using North American traditional Indigenous knowledge (TIK), wisdom and practices as a guiding model, we have created a center that embodies educating our whole selves including mind, spirit, and body within a whole eco-system. Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice focuses on developing, implementing, and teaching sustainable and regenerative earth practices. Eloheh Farm & Seeds seeks to be a model of regenerative agricultural, animal husbandry, and wild-tending systems that support human needs, while improving the earth and all creation inhabiting the web of life. Located in the northern Willamette Valley, in sight of the beautiful Coastal Mountain Range, we are grateful to be situated on the traditional lands of the Kalpuyan people and we take seriously our responsibility to be caring co-sustainers.


What We Do


Indigenous Center for Earth Justice

Eloheh creates a vital and informed community with spiritual consciousness. Consistent with our educational mission, Eloheh opens the land to groups seeking to learn more about plants, native plants, wild-tending, food & health, urban farming, climate change, and regenerative-sustainable farming as spiritual practice. We put a special emphasis on how our relationship with the land relates to a North American Indigenous worldview and practice, (TIK).

Randy and Edith Woodley

Educating to Indigenize

By providing resources and opening the conversation to what it looks like to live in harmony with Creator and all creation, Eloheh provides a safe space for Indigenous and non-indigenous alike where we can learn, grow, and push boundaries. Dr. Randy Woodley has for many years actively taught through his classroom, books, podcasts, and conferences the process of moving from a Western worldview by Decolonization and Indigenization.


Eloheh Farm & Eloheh Seeds

We believe that Eloheh seeds are among the best available, for the earth, for our family, and for yours. We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to protect organic, non-gmo, heritage crops and seeds. We seek are a model of regenerative agricultural, animal husbandry and wild-tending systems that support human needs while improving the earth and the whole community of creation. We make room for the many wild bird, animal, and plant species.


Get Involved

Start the Journey of Decolonizing


ARTICLES & Presentations

Read and listen to more conversations revolving around decolonizing and indigenizing our theology, detaching from the Western Worldview, and applicable steps to walk it out.


Dr. Randy Woodley has published several books, all full of wisdom and communicated with grace. His ability to have the hard conversations with truth and intriguing stories draw you deeper to discover areas of growth for yourself and the Western world we live in.


Join a Cohort

Are you on a journey of decolonizing and indigenizing your worldview? What are the roadblocks you’re encountering on the way? We need leaders that are not recreating old systems, but learning decolonized and Indigenized ways of leading. Historically Christians have been formed in white supremacy and settler colonialism- it is time for a new DNA in order to move forward in a sustainable and just way. Hosted by Dr. Randy Woodley, Erna Hackett of Liberated Together, and Joshua Grace, you will learn from the best.


Lend a Hand, Learn a Lot

Eloheh educates on a range of topics such as racial equity and empowerment, community empowerment, ecological justice and Earth-care, plant medicines, and Indigenous spirituality. Dedicated to our educational mission, Eloheh opens the farm to a variety of public groups seeking to learn more about plants, animal husbandry, wild-tending and regenerative farming. We teach from an Indigenous worldview rooted in North American Indigenous practices. We are also committed to hosting and educating volunteers.

Join The Revolution

We reached a major milestone in March 2020, when Eloheh found a permanent home on ten acres of land in Yamhill Oregon. We are building the  Center for Earth Justice and are raising money for a learning center, housing for students and volunteers, and establishing the farm.